Page name: Cutters Poetry [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-13 21:36:33
Last author: iCh3wi
Owner: deathly ~*~ beautiful
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2005-07-05 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol... sucker

2005-07-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..thats john not

2005-07-05 [kdfjhg]: i cut so bad.... have pools of blood all over... sorry i haven't been on. i've been grounded

2005-07-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: randa plz dont do that to yourself..

2005-07-05 [kdfjhg]: i got an appt. tomorrow with a cnousler who "specializes" in cutters... i hate being called that.

2005-07-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well i hope it all goes well..

2005-07-05 [kdfjhg]: *sigh* me too.... i hate shrinks, they think they know you but they really don't

2005-07-05 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah i

2005-07-06 [Monika]: I never understood, how some strange person was suppose to help me with my pain and shit, and actually know how to cure me just because they spent tons of money on some schools.

2005-07-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i can do everything my self and solve my problems my self i just have to want to...but hey randa.guess what..revenge is so fucking gonna get back at john 4 messin with me.he wants to play games,then let the gamews begin i can out smart him..oo wait i already

2005-07-06 [forbidden sacrafice]: hey ash if you need help creating pages i just figured it out lol after you told me how like whatever long ago

2005-07-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: isnt hard!and no i dont really it takes me 1 min to make em and no one needs

2005-07-06 [forbidden sacrafice]: well if you ever need help one day just ask me

2005-07-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok i will no problem!im so happy!

2005-07-06 [forbidden sacrafice]: why are you so happy

2005-07-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: revenge and chris's b-day and i just wanna be..

2005-07-06 [forbidden sacrafice]: ahhh i see yeah im waiting for chris my friend to come over if he ever answers his phone

2005-07-06 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..thats weird..

2005-07-06 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah i guess

2005-07-07 [iCh3wi]: Hey everyone, I am back on for a bit. Anything going on I need to know about?

2005-07-07 [iCh3wi]: Ash, when you get back, be sure that any pages you have created I am the page owner. Thanks!

2005-07-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: grrrr!!!are you serious?couldnt you have said something to me bofore???

2005-07-07 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: grrrr!!!are you serious?couldnt you have said something to me before???

2005-07-07 [iCh3wi]: Ummm...............You haven't made that many pages have you? Sorry, I thought I did, but when I added BelovedConstances page, I noticed I wasn't the owner. Sorry!!

2005-07-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah its ok,i have made like 3 or 4 but i got them to change it 4 u.ok?

2005-07-08 [kdfjhg]: well, the counsler actually knew what the fuck she was talkin about... told my parents i needed more freedom. revenge is sweet- altho it walks hand in hand with violence

2005-07-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah sometimes...mine doesnt require voilence justs stabs him in the heart emotionallly....

2005-07-08 [kdfjhg]: that's always fun

2005-07-08 [iCh3wi]: Lolol, don't know what is goin on but ok. lol

2005-07-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,im going to get revenge on john...thats what we are talking about..

2005-07-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey crowe while ur on can you add kagomeyasha Poems to the memvers poems list 4 me plz?

2005-07-08 [iCh3wi]: Yup, Ill add it righto snap.

2005-07-08 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok good thankx,i had every one whos page i made change it over to your owner ship..and i wanted to know,since i made my additional pages did you want me to switch those to you too?

2005-07-11 [Juggalette Ryda]: hey everyone... i am so happy... i am the poet of the year... holy shit

2005-07-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: you are?cool,how did you get that?

2005-07-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: congrats,i didnt know there was such a

2005-07-11 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya happy b/c i got mail today from the Famous Poets Society.. and it said im invited to their eleventh annual Poetry Convention in Nevada... and i have the Shakespeare Trophy of Excellence and IM THE 2005 Poet of the year Medallion.. also i got a $100 scholarship... and omg.. they said they are putting me as a famous poet... holy shit

2005-07-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: awesome!*hugs you* im so happy for you that is so cool!

2005-07-11 [Juggalette Ryda]: *hugs you then jumps up and down* thankz.. i am like sooooooo happy

2005-07-11 [forbidden sacrafice]: thats awesome

2005-07-11 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol ya

2005-07-11 [forbidden sacrafice]: congrats

2005-07-11 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: and shes

2005-07-11 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol thankz

2005-07-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]:

2005-07-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: same here... you know what i found out

2005-07-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what?what did you find?

2005-07-12 [Juggalette Ryda]: umm i found out that i have to pay over a $1000 to get in there... i mean im free but i have to pay to stay at the hilton and everything.. meh oh well.. lol.. atleast i still get my prize

2005-07-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,i figured that there would be a catch...

2005-07-12 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol there is always a catch somewhere along the line but hey money you always forget but memories will never fade

2005-07-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,true ive never thought of it that way...

2005-07-12 [forbidden sacrafice]: its true i barely remember spending 10 grand on the trip i went to the philippines but the memories i still remember like its yesterday

2005-07-12 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thats great ive never been there ive been to florida to disneyland but i went with the school...

2005-07-12 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah well few people i know have been to the philippines and few even know that it exists actually from the school i came from nobody knew about it till like 8th grade

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,wow nice change in mood,im sorry your having a crappy time arent you gonna be back thursday?

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: we leave thursday an d get back friday, it takes 2 days driving

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: um ok,well it isnt that long..just a few more days..

2005-07-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: ooo umm lol.. thankz... i think

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: you think?i didnt know that? just teasing know i love ya!lol

2005-07-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: eww you love me?!?!?! yuck... heheh just kidding

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,like a

2005-07-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: eww i dont need no sisters...

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Everyone, I'm sorry to hear what has happened. It's a shame to have member's banners deleted for a subject matter that was not meant to be expressed. I will talk to the council, I know a few member's personnaly and I might be able to do something. I have deleted several comments as everyone may notice. For best interest in keeping everything under control, I decided to remove them to stop any inquiries that could lead to more problems.

2005-07-13 [Ihsahn]: I see no problem with the banners but of course this is up to [Sunrose]

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *sighs* i dont understand why they are doing this...the guard im talking to says this place encourages suicide but itdont,everytime someone says something even clkose to it some one here tells them not to do it and trys to help them...its kinda like a support group in a way..why cant they understand that?

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: I have just taken this matter to the council and asked for an explanation as to the basis of the removal of some banners. I understand that some banners may be too graphic to have on EP, but until now I was unaware of any such banners present here in this wiki.

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i know no one has said anything about it and it has nothing to do with suicide,it is a black bannen with red writing and it advertises this place,it has nothing about encouraging suicide,i stand up for what i believe in and i have a feeling the gaurd im talking to is getting annoyed with me rite not arguing anymore,just asking questions...

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Can you remind me what it says because this comp won't load the pic. And believe me, any banners I myself have made, are not graphic at all. And [Stephen] if you are the guard involved with this, please read what is stated at the top of this page, it says this wiki is not based on Suicide if you read.

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: [Stephen] is the guard that deleted mine,thats the one im talking to and i told them that,then he said something about it was linked to the suicide hotline which encourages suicide,which confuses me b/c i though the hotline was to stop people from doing it..

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Actually, it promotes it. I stopped going to it and it is my fault that there was a link to this wiki there. The owner wanted to create a link to that wiki a while back if you remember, and I said yes. That was before I left that wiki.

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: oh and it says "we are born alone,we live alone,we die alone,cutters poetry @wiki,that is what it said,and that has nothing to do with suicide...dieing alone is just dieing,it doesnt say we kill our selves and you should too!,am i right?

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Yup you are right, and when I created that banner, I was reading a book in British Literature.

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Thats were I got it from

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: see,so it has nothing to do woth suicide it is just a huge misunderstanding,he said it influnced and encouragedsuiced and suicidal images arent permitted but there was only writing on the banner no images or pictures,(i should be a lawyer,i like arguing and wont give in till i get my only thing that is even close to suicide on here is the mentioning of cutting and cutting isnt suicide or i'd be dead,and so would many other peole and besides that none of our members has commited suicide,rite?

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Correct as far as I know, but some have tried, but we had nothing to do with their reasoning. And about the banner, the font is in "Chiller" and it has a black background. I dont care what some may say, but it is not in Blood Font.

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: And there are no suicidal images present in the wiki whatsoever. And every member here can back me up when I say this because how often do I tell people they cant have photos on their page, no photos are allowed and I even do a sweep to check and make sure no one has done so.

2005-07-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: i know why they took it off... you arent aloud to have the word cut (cutters) suicide... or nothing like that on a banner

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Urg! Thats gonna be a hard job changing names. Ash, do what the message I sent you says immediately!

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: did it say suicide on the banner?i dont remember it saying that,and did they delete the banner on the top or did richand?

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: did it say suicide on the banner?i dont remember it saying that,and did they delete the banner on the top or did richard?

2005-07-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: no i was just saying.. it cant have nothing to do with the death crap... no words that leads to sucide like cut or cutting

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: No, none of the banners said suicide that I can recall, but the banner will not show up.

2005-07-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: no no no thats not what i said.. the words arent aloud to deal with suicide or death.. like on your banner it sayz cutters..they said your not aloud to have that...

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: True, but that is the name of the wiki. Does the new banner show up for anyone?

2005-07-13 [Juggalette Ryda]: not for me... lol... see this is what the guard said to me "Cutting is a form of self-metulation, which is a part of sucude" but i g2g.. sry bye

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Well its not exactly a banner, more of a statement. Ash listen, I am leaving tomorrow at 10' o clock in the morning for Texas. I will not be on the net until Friday evening. Anything that happens whatsoever, try to do your best handling it. Also, I have left comments on the Council page, go there to check with things. Thanks for your help. I have just sent my report into Debby (aka Sunrose), so we will see what happens. I will talk to everyone Friday evening, bye!

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i have just sent mine and i will handle it the best i can.

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Ok thanks.

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: and the welcome banner isnt showing up for me either but i think you logged out so..oh well..

2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Nope I am still here, there isnt a welcome banner, its more of a statement I made at the top.

2005-07-13 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: oh ok well i see that...

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: Sry if im breaking any rules.. but i fight for what i believe in... LOOK::: SIGN IT THEY ARE TRING TO BAN HARD ROCK.. PLEASE SIGN IF YOU FEEL THIS IS WRONG THEY ARE TRING TO BAN OUR MUSIC

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey im gonna put that in my house and in my wiki,is that ok with you?

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: sure thats fine... im tring to get all the people to do something

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok i will do rite now!

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: ok thankz

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no problem thanx for letting me know id die (metaphorically) if they banned my music!

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: same here... damn.. me and my friends did all these signatures from 519-563 so far... damn a lot of people dont want it gone

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i know and ill bet you can get even more if more people knew about the bann,i didnt untill i saw your post! and i put the metaphorically thing in refence to the previous events that occured yesterday..

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya i know.. it seems like everything is goin wrong *knocks on wood*

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,its no good to knock on wood oif everything is already bad..rite?

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: well thats true.. i just hope everything will work and go through good

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i doo too but it isnt gonna stop me from listening to it..

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: same here... thats why you have to buy the cds and crap... i dont think it will be on radio or nothing

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i just got a message from sunrose,i dont know if she will aprove the banners yet im waiting for her reply..

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: damn.. i hope they get appoved

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i do too...

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: lmao... dont we all

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im afraid to say too much i have gotten another reply yet...*sighs*

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: ohhh.. man

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: this is killing me...shit can i say that...oh well i did..boof***hoo

2005-07-14 [Juggalette Ryda]: lmao.. sry but i g2g bye bye hun

2005-07-14 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok..byr ttyl..

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: Alrighty then, I am home in Texas. Now then, first thing is first, thank you Ash for taking over while I was gone and the help and support shown with the guard thing. Thanks also to Freaky for your help with the gurad thing as well. Now, back to business. New banners will be made today, everyone please take down and remove all of the old banners that are in the Red font and black background from your houses if they have not been removed yet by the guards. Im am going toi make new banners that will serve the same purpose but will not break any rules. Any help offered is greatly needed and appreciated.

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey welcome back!and no problem with the guards,yeah did you hear,[Stephen] is taking a vacation fro here from the chaos,i think i went over board a bit when i was i would help with banners but i am not artistically gifted so i cant,sorry.

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: It's ok. He messaged me, but I don't recall what about. I have to change the wiki name, but I will wait till I am told to do so by Debby (a.k.a.-Sunrose).

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why do you have to change its name?it isnt reffering to suicide..*sighs* like i said to the guard,cutting isnt suicide...

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: I know, but Freaky is right, Cut can't be in a wiki name. But I am not going to change anything until I am told to do so by Debb, she IS the boss on EP.

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i know she isbut still why cant it be on a wiki name?i dont understand that part..

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: Neither do I, who knows. They might not even ask me to change the name. Angelo was the only guard I saw who had a problem with this wiki, so who knows.

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Well if they do what is its new name?And when you change you the wiki name will the links change with it too?And I am now friends with [ishahn] and he had said it seemed fine to him,he said nothing seemed wrong,and are there really rules that say something about wiki's?If so were can i find them,I want to do a bit of research,From what [Stephen] told me he was given oreds to remove all images that encouracged suicide and then he said that neither pro nor con suiicide images were allowed and he said something how this wiki was linked to the suicide hotline,which totally goes against what he had said..

2005-07-15 [forbidden sacrafice]: i dont get this at all really i mean its not illegal to cut it may be negitive but to me i see it as a form of speech and freedom of speech is what im all about because without it i wouldbt be able to tell all the people i can so many things

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: I know, and it's my fault this problem came up. I gave Morticia permission to have a link to this wiki on Suicide Hotline back when I was an active member there, but I dropped out after I found out what really went on there and I lost interest. But I know this for certain, we have never and will never have any images that pertain to suicide in this wiki.

2005-07-15 [Juggalette Ryda]: well umm welcome back silenced... lol.. i can help if you wanton anything i guess... meh well sry to cut in but Angelo has some problems.. well he probably has been over worked and stuff soo ya

2005-07-15 [forbidden sacrafice]: no blaming yourself no matter what if you let yourself take it then who are we to turn to in a time of doubt like this

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im sure he does,poor thing,but exactly what is the suicide hotline?what does go on there,i dont get it,ive never been there...and not all people on here are from the us and it isnt a us based sight so we dont exactly have a freedom of speech on here..and they way i see this place,in a way it is like a help center for people that cut b/c how many times have you read someones post about wanting to cut or they already have and always someone replys telling them it isnt good and they should work out their problems?we jhelp eachother and careabout eachother on it doesnt enfluence suicide at all...

2005-07-15 [Juggalette Ryda]: suicide hotline is about cutting and wanting to die and all that... (member) but they rarely take about it.. its just their banners that are the problems... well but i guess that the guards dont really look at the wiki as its for just the name

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I guess so,i figured from the name it was to help people,I guessed wrong I guess,well [Stephen] knew about it then...and I'm guessing he was deleting theirs too??

2005-07-15 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup he was... well he just told them to take "how may we help you kill yourself" out... but i think that was it tho

2005-07-15 [forbidden sacrafice]: then so make them realize what we are about because even so if we are cutters this is the place so many of us turn for help i have never herd once on here someone telling the other encouraging cutting or suicide there here to help stop it we are here to help stop it but if they take it to as much as see that we are just like them when were not ill go down fighting with all i got for it

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: The only thing that went on at Suicide Hotline was constant talk about peoples Boyfriends and how they wanted them to die pretty much. They never really talked about anything else, but their banners were the main source of the problem, yes. I, however, removed the link to Cutters Poetry from their before Angelo could do it. That poor thing, Ash exhausted him so much that he didn't want to explain to me anything. So. I went to the council.

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what i told him was this was originally created for people who use poetry to help stop cutting.He didnt understand as I repeatedly told him that we help eachoither herehe could go through each page and see that when ever someone brings it up we disscourage them from doing harm to themselves yet he still agrued about the banners and the banners did nothing wrong.he said his problem was the banners linked to a wiki about cutting and suicide...but there was anther thing he had wrng,i told him if he got to know us,he would see that its the opposite of what he thinks..

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: Thats what he told me, but he described it as yelling I think, lol. No matter, everything is settled now, and we can get on with our lives and writing's.

2005-07-15 [Juggalette Ryda]: ooo thats great... lmao

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well i fight for what i think is i really exhaust him that didnt mean to i just wanted him to merely agree woith me and see what i was saying is true,i dont think he realized what was going to happen when he delelted my banner..besides you were out of town and i was managing it,i had to stand up for us...i would have guy...

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: Lolol, yup yup, poor poor fellow. I bet he'll become one of those He-Man Woman Haters now. lol. Well, he didnt delete any of my banners. I went to the council without even telling him and he stopped deleting them then.

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Well the reason i was arguing was because he wouldnt give me a suffiecent answer to why he deleted them,he gave me an answer that I wouldnt accept and kept arguing and finding loopholes and besides the guy was contradicting hisself..i doubt he will ever delete anything from my he is a member of the council btw,so i trhink he knew...

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: Well..............never mind, I won't say it out loud.

2005-07-15 [iCh3wi]: While I'm thinking of it, everyone, please submit a poem to Elfpack Poets. You get a badge to your house.

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok um,can you give me your opinion of which one to submit?i have too many to choose..

2005-07-15 [Juggalette Ryda]: meh i dont think i will submit any...

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: is there any rules to which the poems must abide?can they be about cuttig or/and suicide or what?

2005-07-15 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah id like to know what poem to put there i have so many so yeah

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: umm how in the hell do you submit a poem to that place?i couldnt figure it out..

2005-07-15 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol i dont know yet i must look first

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well i looked and got lost..i didnt understand it..

2005-07-15 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol i think this is it... Elfpack Daily Poem

2005-07-15 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah i didnt understand it either so your not the only one

2005-07-15 [forbidden sacrafice]: happened to me to so dont feel alone

2005-07-15 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: um i have submitted there before but you can only once a month is that the only way??

2005-07-16 [iCh3wi]: Ok, here is what you do. Go to Elfpack Poets. Click on the link that says something like submit a poemElfpack Poetry. You have to pick the category your poem goes under. You submit 1-3 poems for Level 1 badge, 4-6 poems for level 2 badge, and 7-9 for level 3 badge. When you finish submitting your poems, you go to the Donation Record page. There, you list your screen name in alphabetical order and how many poems you submitted. Then, when you finish, message [Dwemer] and tell him the amount of poems you submitted.

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok i will

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what if i submit more than 9?

2005-07-16 [iCh3wi]: Well your special, lol

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,well what do i do after i submit one?

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: nvm..i see,god am i really that

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: question!if a guard deletes something from your house should it mess up some of your info?b/c all of a sudden i got an email saying i was offline and got a new message and my name was typed moses ashley instead of the right way,the way i typed it,ashley moses and my civil status was changed,that is the only things i noticed but this is weird,some one changed it and the only ppl that could would be a guard...b/c no one knows my password but me...

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: someone hacked into ur profile hun

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah and changed a bunch of shit in there and i had to change it back,and a friend on mines mood has been messed wioth soime one keeps changing it i think we have a guard gone corrupt,they did it yesterday..

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: that suckz ass... well it could be a hacker.. same happen with me but i found out who did it... but i hope it goes well.. tho

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: huh yeah i noticed that too but i dont think that happened to me i never looked even

2005-07-16 [iCh3wi]: That happened to me before, I just changed my password and it never happened again.

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol same... password... its confusing.. hehehe...IM A HACKER.. lmao j/k... or am i?!?!?!

2005-07-16 [iCh3wi]: You are.

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya i am <.< >.>

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: im a hacker when i need to be well i got the brains to be one but i choose to live a life that dont involve breaking the law all the time although once i have hacked into the school system the 05 incident they call it where everyone got straight A's lol

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: lmao... ooo thats kool.... i only hack into my friends s/n's just to fool around... but i do no harm and i certainly dont mess with their stuff... and umm HACKER OF THE SCHOOL... lmao... couldnt help it

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah lol it was funny actually everyone thought it was the senior prank but ha like they are smart enough to do that there are 3 passwords to get in plus 4 firewalls in our school system because our whole school is run by computers literally the bells the pa system grades attendance the teachers email system

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: ohh but the best fun is hacking into the police headquarters lol i made my record dissapear faster then hell as well as a couple friends and i made some of their tickets dissapear for a little fee but now im done doing that stuff

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: lmao... dang it... you should clear mine <.< >.> hehehehe... never hacked into police headquarters be4 if i wanted to all i have to do is go to my friend tj.. hehehe he knows everything

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol well you really dont know much unless you can decript it all by hand and that is where i had fun finding the ways where the pros had a hard time with like 97 percent of hackers use the programs and do none of the work on it once hacked into the government secret files straight area 51 files but i had the program that shuts down your computer if your being tracked and as soon as i opend a file on it i was being tracked and got outta it lol thats the only program i need and like for that matter for hacking

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: true... but tj... his dads a cop and he knows this kinda crap... he hacked in my stuff before... lmao.. he erased everything and put "i told you kim that i can hack into your profile"... lmao... well tho.. ya

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol see well most people dont have the access to learn and i really didnt im just smart as all hell and well not many people are as smart as me i run with some of the top geniouses in the world with an iq of 294 so hey i dont blame them for not being able to do it by hand

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol wow.. thats great... im smart but i dunno what my iq is.. lmao...

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah i dunno how im so smart ive been asked plenty of times to go to college and im just like nahhh im 15 i wanna have the life of a 15 year old yale and harvord even sent me invitations to go to there schools its kinda funny because i took sats and acts because they gave me an iq test and said holy shit hes smart and whatever and i ended up getting like a 1590 on one of them and the guy that gave me the test passed out because he had never seen someone do so good

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: damn man... congrats... geez *is jealous* lmao... not really but damn... im working for a scholarship.. lmao not the same

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: i already made a scholarship enough to pay for most of my one college i plan to go to then i also plan on going to a tech school to work on my mechanics stuff

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: kool... good job... meh im goin to college somewhere out of florida.. florida is a dumbass state.. but if i cant then im goin to ITT tech.. (computers)... yup yup.. lol

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: um yeah im back nice convo. i was told last night that sometimes the guards do that even though they asrent suipposed to if they dont like you ,i am not acccusing but i am guessing [Stephen] did it b/c everyone knows how much i annoyed him when i was arguing with him...

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol i already do enough computer diagnostics and computer programing as is i plan to do more on my mencannics at witc so i can have a shop someday along with going to college for psycology

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: nice tears... hmmm i have a 3.5gpa.... see im SMART.. lmao.. j/k.. meh could care less... hey loud

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah i see ash ehh who knows but anyways i do have an average of a 3.8 gpa but thats because sometimes i get busy and dont do every homework assignment or dont do one well but usually i get a 4.0 or 3.9gpa

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: i dont get highier cuz my teachers are rasist... *sighs*

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: wow um i know nothing about hacking and i dont know my gpa b/c my school does then weird were if you are in advanced ap or pre ap classes you get more points so mine would come out to be like a 14.7 or something...

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: ooo lol i dunno... hmm all different things in different states... well gotta go now... bye bye to you both

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah if we had that i would be really high because im in an ap history ap science ap american lit in the advanced orchestra in psychology 1 and creative writing with gym cuz you have to have it then ill be in conflict studies too

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: god damn..i thought i was smart..shit..

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol yeah plus im supposed to be taking some classes after school at the college

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: i think its an english class and a history class oh yeah and i have triginometry in school too

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: shut up!stop bragging i get the point..

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol ok sorry sorry

2005-07-16 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,i gota go again..sorry..

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: later ash even thou your already gone

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: oooo lol

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: im a dork

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol arent we all... muhahaha

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol nice

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup yup.. dork dory dork..... wheeeeee

2005-07-16 [forbidden sacrafice]: lol me bored i need something to do

2005-07-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: im bored too... i signed onto that WritersCo... meh... there is like NO people there

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